What to expect
Become an HOH Trail Work Volunteer
Help maintain and create the beautiful hiking and biking trails we all enjoy in Canaan Valley and the surrounding area
In April through October, members of the Heart of the Highlands meet monthly (weather-permitting) on the first Tuesday at 5pm and the second and fourth Saturdays at 9am at Blackwater Bikes in Davis, West Virginia. Please check our social media for last minute cancellations.
Sign up for News and Trail Updates to receive email notices and please review and sign the HOH volunteer waiver to bring with you on the trail work days.
Things to know before volunteering:
Types of Work
Trail work may include, but is not limited to: pruning vegetation, clearing trails, repairing trails, habitat restoration, erosion mitigation, clearing draining systems, building trails through wet areas using natural materials including stones and logs, and repairing and installing boardwalks and bridges.
Trail work will require the use of tools including but not limited to: pruners, shovels, rakes, hand saws, picks, and various hand tools. Tools will be provided, but volunteers can bring their own. If you don’t have experience using a particular tool, please ask the trail leader for guidance. Sharp tools should be respected. Maintain enough space between those working around you so they are out of the danger zone when using the tool. Carry tools with sharp edges down and place with sharp edges down when not in use.
What to Wear & Bring
Long pants and long sleeves with sturdy boots or shoes with tread, eye protection, and work gloves are strongly recommended. Dress for changing weather conditions with layers for warmth, sun protection, and rain gear.
Enough water or hydrating drinks and snack for a 2-4 hour trail work session. Sunscreen and protection from ticks and mosquitoes as well as poisonous plants.
Safety and Awareness
Be aware of your surroundings. Look in all directions to avoid hazards such as fallen limbs, poisonous plants, trail users, and the location of other volunteers when using tools. Be aware of fatigue and heat exhaustion. Keep hydrated. Be conscious when lifting heavy objects or performing strenuous tasks to avoid injury. Walk carefully to prevent falling on slick surfaces, loose rocks, or tripping over roots. Most of all, have fun and enjoy being in nature!