Private Partnerships

Several local corporations and private land owners generously support the Heart of the Highlands trail connection initiatives by making designated connecting trails on their property open for public use. All trail users must take responsibility for ensuring that trail access and partnerships continue in the future. Please respect these private properties and our HoH partnerships with them. Remain on designated trails. 

These are private lands – not public property. Camping and fires are not permitted. Hunting and fishing are subject to state and federal regulations for private property. Leave No Trace backcountry techniques are strongly encouraged for all users. 

Trail Difficulty Guidelines:


Difficulty guidelines are provided to indicate the relative technical difficulty of each trail, not the physical exertion required. Varying conditions may be encountered due to topography, season of the year, weather, and level of trail maintenance and experience. Direction of travel and type of use also affect the relative difficulty. Consider these guidelines, trail distances, elevation change, and your own physical and mental limits to select an appropriate trail. Be smart. Be safe. 

Easier – Mostly smooth and wide with occasional unevenness. 

More – Many uneven and variable surfaces and widths. 

Most- Long, rocky or uneven segments. Variable widths and often narrow. 

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